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Old 03-10-2005, 12:53 PM   #23 (permalink)
Fade out
Location: in love
Betty = I am 99.9 percent sure she is using the getting the atten. of men as validation and/or enjoys the 'game' so to speak because she knows since your married it won't go anywhere. On the other hand . . .
There are those Woman out there . . . who find it the Biggest Ego High to get a Married Man to cheat on his wife, they accomplish this, they feel powerful . . . and then go on their merry way . . . Betty knows Exactly what she is doing . . .

Fatboss = playing with fire

If you had an open relationship with your wife, i would find this totally acceptable, aka, where you openly flirt and have seperate relationships in addition to your marriage . . . However, since that is Not the case here . . . falls into the 'dangerous cheating land . . . could fuck up your marriage and the life you have built'

By all accounts, this seems like a bad combo in my opinion.

I am inclined to comment that this whole thing really isn't about "betty" . . . but rather about something you feel might be missing in your life . . . Is your passion for life gone? fucking betty a few times isn't going to fix things for you . . . only make them more complicated . . .

You said Fatboss "do I grab the bull by the horns, so to speak and get busy as is the right of all men in a position of power?"

I've never seen a more Archaic statement . . . Abusing your power position to get sex and/or flirt is both immature and unethical, not to mention could get you into serious trouble at your job.

That being said, i am not here to tell you what is right or wrong, nor i am here to judge what i might see as a mistake . . . It's your life to do with as you please.

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