Cimarron, you mean Betty's NORMAL?!? (Okay, maybe the transsexual lesbian part isn't common, but nice job on the reality check).
I think jwoody also had a great idea: where are the pictures of your family? Your desk should be full of pictures of loved ones. At least, do you talk about them constantly with Betty so that she knows what a FANTASTIC marriage you have and how much you adore and treasure your wife? Maybe she'd get the idea then, unless you don't want her to get the idea... and if that's the case, I'd really ask yourself why you aren't telling her about your "real" life.
And ratbastid is right on the money: Betty knows EXACTLY what she's doing. Men may be occasionally clueless about feelings and expressing them, but it's a rare female who doesn't know exactly how her behavior is getting into your head (the one on your shoulders, too). In cases like this, never assume the woman is innocent, and also don't assume that your flirtations are innocent... major shit goes down in these days of sexual harassment, so cover your own ass and don't flirt via anything that can be printed. Not to mention your relationship with your wife... would she be hurt knowing that all you think about is screwing your co-worker? That's why I suggested telling her about it... to defuse the power this Betty has over you and bring you back down to reality.
Seriously man, take the safe track on this one and go home and lay your wife good and hard, then talk non-stop about your family with Betty until she leaves you alone.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran