Originally Posted by raveneye
KMA, since you seem to admire the methodology used to conclude that cigarette smoking is harmful, how about showing us an example of a research paper that used good methodology that came to this conclusion.
Then what I will do is show you a research article on SHS that used the same methodology that came to the conclusion that SHS is harmful.
How about it?
You'll have to give me some time on this, but sure. We are talking about research and studies conducted way before the internet (If I remember correctly, the original smoking studies were conducted in the 50's and 60's), so I don't know how much I will find online.
We need to set limits, though....no articles, just studies.
There is one potential fatal flaw here though: I can't concede to a research study that uses the 1992-1993 EPA study as a reference. No matter how hard I would try, I cannot get past the flaws in that study to see anything that uses it as a reference objectively.
It would be the same if I showed you a study that says SHS is safe, and the study happens to be conducted by a scientist employed by RJ Reynolds or Philip Morris--you wouldn't accept that either--the core flaw (in this case, conflict of interest) would prejudice you to any of the results, regardless of whether they are true or not.
Sorry, but I am just being honest about it upfront.
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