Originally Posted by veruca
I think having a fun flirtatious relationship is great, and very healthy. But, if it keeps you from having a healthy relationship with your wife it becomes a problem. unless, your wife is cool with you flirting with other women, I wouldn't tell her and I wouldn't tell your friend about your feelings. You have wayyy to much to lose.
The way I see it is you have 2 choices...break it off with your friend if it is becoming too much for you to handle...or just sit back and enjoy the ego boost. I think that the tension flirting builds is more fun than the actual act anyway.
This is why I feel that I have friends on the tfp.
Thanks for the advice veruca. Saying anything to either ladies is a potential hazard to my health.

I think I'm gonna stick with the harmaless flirting, which some of the other guys are slightly jealous about as it happens.
At least I know where my head will be at now.
Thanks again.