Originally Posted by Hardknock
I was with AT&T but when Cingular bought them out I got out of my contract and told them both to piss off. There's a little clause in there that says that if the provider makes a change to the contract (selling the company apparently counts) then the user has 20 days to object to the change. If they do, then they can get out of the agreement. I exercised this option. It was pretty easy to find, you just have to actually read the contract. Which hardly anyone does anyway.
Yeah, it';s a claause we were always told not to inform of, but it is true. It has to be within 20 days of the initial notification of us, meaning you couldn't call in today, and say you just found out.
It also has to be a change that has an imapct on the service, your rate plan, or terms of the contract.