More publicity for publicity's sake. She knows the part of the population that really goes for her movies, for her stuff, so she says something like this, in the hopes of getting a rise out of them, for purely hormonal reasons, so her next film/series/... attracts enough of the hormonally crazed guys that lust after her. That's what they want to hear, and that's what they'll believe.
Doesn't even seem worth it to analyse or criticise, it's just there to attract attention.
It's like that female teen singer a while back that just had to keep getting the message across that she was a sex-addict. Nobody really minded her career, her singing, whatever, they just jumped on that quote and either loved it or tore it to pieces.
As long as it keeps the people talking about you, I guess it's a good thing for them?
edit: I guess I type too slow for guthmund... so... ^^^^^^^^ what he said!