Originally Posted by kutulu
What is that saying that the anti-smoking nazi's like to throw around when we talk about firing smokers? Oh yeah, get another job?
Get another job? How about get another filthy habit? Perhaps one that doesn't make your family and friends watch you kill yourself.
Even if second hand smoke weren't harmful, even if we were to pretend that all the other good arguments for banning indoor smoking don't exist, i don't like being around that shit. I don't care if someone has to step outside to smoke. Cry me a fucking river. Wait, don't, because i don't fucking care.
Here's an argument for indoor smoking bans that's unbeatable: People who support the bans are a majority(consisting of both smokers and nonsmokers) + Smoking isn't a civil right = No smoking in public places. Maybe its more of a theorem. In any case, the logic is impeccable.
Politics in action, my friends. Welcome to america, please extinguish your cigarettes before entering.