When I tell my daughter and grandchildren about this someday, I want to be able to say "I was on the side of right". It is obvious that there are two sides to this no matter which side you're on.
There is one side, the side of Doug Thompson for example, that believes that becaue G. W. Bush's actions mirror those of Hitler before and during the establishment of the Nazi party that G. W. may be as much of a threat to the free world as Hitler. We see that his decisions have resulted in the deaths of many American soldiers, MANY Iraqi and Arab people, and the alienating and segregating of Arab peoples. His administration is responsible for the loss of civil liberties and the promotion of "Christian" beliefs which run hand in hand with racism and segregation.
There is another side that believes that G. W. Bush has America's best interest in mind and that all the terrorist talk and action is about protecting American's from a clear and present danger from radical terrorist groups. They see all the liberals as un-American and cowardly.
The problem? No one wants to budge on their position. The polarization has resluted in a stuborness the likes of which I've never whitnessed in my life. Either way, there are scarey things going on and the key to fixing our problems is not divergence from one another, but convergence. United we stand, divided we FALL. So who here, by a show of hands, wantys America to fall? No one? That's what I thought. Thomas Jefferson once said: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance". This quote has always resonated in me, as I know that diverging and becoming apathetic and lethargic will result in the death of freedom. In order to preserve true American freedom, we the people of the United States need to be able to come together and speak openly and LISTEN to one another. Some of the things we hear may hurt, but that is the price of freedom. I get really pissed when I hear someone say that G.W. Bush has helped to stop terrorism, because I know that global terrorism has steadily been on the rise since 9/11 and also since the invasion of Iraq. I know because I choose to be informed. I know I really piss people off when I say that G.W. is a selfish fool because he is killing so many innocent people based on lies. Do I know he was lying? No, I honestly don’t. He may have been misinformed by people who were given bad intelligence, and he based his decision on bad information, just as he said.
Is G.W. Bush a threat to freedom? I don’t know. Is G.W. Bush the next Hitler? I don’t know. Does this deserve open minded intestigation and discussion? Absolutely.
That being said, I hope everyone can do their patriotic responsibility and keep an open mind and be eternally vigelant in rpeserving Freedom, Democracy, and morality.
Sorry for the rant.
In direct response to the above post:
Thompson is a respected journalist, and I hope that this article will be taken seriously by at least some people. The comparisons stand up and the reality is seriously frigtening. We should fix this now before it could too late. Do you really want to risk the freedom of our children based on your assumption that our government is always right? What if you’re wrong?