Originally Posted by raveneye
This is because passive smoking involves inhaling the same unfiltered smoke (from a smoking butt) that active smoking involves.
What you fail to include, however, is that the passive smoker inhales considerably LESS than the person smoking. Ever heard of dispersion? The farther away you are from the source, the lower the concentration will be. After that, look at length of exposure to the smoke. Walking into a building you might pass a smoker standing 5-10 feet from the door. You are within a 20 foot radius of them for about 10 seconds. Compare that to someone who smokes the whole fucking cig. There is an astronomical difference.
It comes down to what they are calling second hand smoke exposure, how long the exposure time is, and how far away the probes are that measure the concentration of smoke are from the source. They never mention that, do they?
I hear a lot of complaining about second hand smoke, but I don't hear one word about car exhaust. So it's okay to walk down the street and smell emissions from a car, but it's not okay for someone to sit next to you and smoke?
Exactly. They also operate their gas or charcoal grills and sit around the campfire. You don't hear about people getting all looney about that because they LIKE the way those things smell or they are odorless (and conveniently forget that those things are just as, if not more dangerous).