I only do the self checkout if I only have a couple things (less than 10). Otherwise I stand in line.
Originally Posted by maleficent
I think it's so quaint that stores actually do this -- Do they carry the bags to your car for you to? I wanna move to these places... 
What grocery stores do you shop at? Every grocery store, check that, every store (including Costco, WalMart and Target) bags all of our groceries for us. Actually, the Safeway near my house always asks if you need help out also (even if all you bought was one item that can fit into your pocket.
Originally Posted by Powderedmaggot
I'd still go to the isle with the cashier because they are young and cute in the grocery store I shop in.
Oh there is that of course. I always scan the registers for the cute girls. At the safeway I mentioned there is this cute redhead. I never miss her.