The CCM 420 style pants are nice. They have zippers on the inside of the legs so that you can put the pants on last, after you tie your skates. Then you can zip the zippers.
Get a good helmet too, spend an extra $30 or whatever for the more expensive line, Your cranium will thank you. I've had 2 helmets cracked from getting hit.
Shoulder pads aren't that big of deal. I like ones with good protection in the chest, incase you block a slap-shot or get a butt-end from an asshole.
Elbow pads...go for comfort.
shin pads...Personally, I like ones with more shin protection than knee protection. That might sound weird, but you just need padding for the knee when you fall on them, but you better have a lot of padding on the shin if you take a hard shot there.
Gloves...I have the ccm420 gloves too. I like them.
Get a cup.