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Old 03-09-2005, 09:13 AM   #47 (permalink)
Iliftrocks's Avatar
Location: Near Raleigh, NC
This guy's got too many roolz, man.

Resistance, movement, added resistance.... eat, drink, sleep and repeat. If you are working hard, you won't stay in the gym too long anyway. If you last more than an hour, you need to kick up the intensity, with more resistance(weight) or less rest between sets. Warmups, or light first sets, while probably not adding to your overall strength, can help get you into the groove of a lift and help get you ready for the heavier weights, safely. I use them if I feel my form is getting sloppy, it's much easier to correct with lower weights.

HAVE FUN, if you don't you will not keep going, because it is also, as he said in the intro, HARD WORK

I like free weights, but machines, depending on the type and make, can sometimes be even more efficient at building strength, because some of them, using cams and levers, can more effectively mimic the actual strength curve of the muscles involved and provide the variable resistance required. Just because it's a machine doesn't magically make the resistance go away....

My prescription would be the basic powerlifting moves Bench, deads, and squats. Fill that in with ab stuff, rows, military presses, and even curls if you want em and you can get stronger with progressive resistance. It's not rocket science.

go to ezboards power and bulk and read some, it's entertaining to say the least.......don't have the link but google it.....

By the way, I'm 5'8" approx heh heh 225lbs, I can bench 305 three reps, I presently squat sets of 10+ with 365 lbs, not my max, and Deadlift 365 five times. I've been stronger, but I recently had surgery that knocked me out for most of a year and I'm most of the way back. I've been lifting off and on since I was 9, 28 years ago.... sheesh, I'm old, and I am thinking of competitive powerlifting with a friend of mine when I turn 40
bill hicks - "I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."
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