First day on the job...
Oddly enough, our experiences are similar. I'm a member of the US Army National Guard, and though we are not full-time soldiers, we go through the same training as regular army (mostly with regular army personnel).
Army Basic Combat Training (Basic) was quite a wild ride. We spent the first week or so in a reception battalion. While we got our shots, exams, filled out paperwork, recevied our uniforms and the like, Drill Sergeants were prepping us (or so we thought) for what was to come. Our biggest challenge as new recruits? Leading off a march in step. DS Slaughter (real name) once told us, "If you pieces of shit don't all lead off with an 18" step when I say march, I'm gonna fly through this formation and punch you in the fucking eye!" We thought that was hardcore, but we had no idea...
When that fateful day came, we all loaded on the cattle truck (actual modified cattle trucks are a common form of transportation at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri). During our trek "down range" our new DS' began informing us of our chain of command:
"You are now H Company, 35th Engineers. Your Senior Drill Sergeant is Drill Sergeant Anderson. Your company First Sergeant is First Sergeant (something). Your company Commander is Captain Bright"... and so on and so forth. When we stopped, the friendly DS says, "Private (so-and-so), who is your First Sergeant?"
*blank stare*
"Private. did I not just tell you who the hell your company First Sergeant was?"
"Yes, Drill Sergeant!"
"Then why the hell will you not tell me his name? Are you that gopddamned disrespectful that you do not recall the names of your chain of command?"
"Negative, Drill Sergeant, I ..."
"Get your sorry ass off the truck! Private (so-and-so), who is your First Sergeant?"
This went on for a few soldiers before we were being literally ripped from the truck and pushed outside. We had to assemble in a large gymnasium for "shake down" where we dumped all of our equipment *neatly* into a pile in front of us, and then were screamed at to do push-ups, sort our equipment, put it back NEATLY into our duffles, do more push ups and why the fuck were we looking at the female Drill Sergeant? Did we like her? Did we want to ask her out? "Not a fucking chance private! Don't look my battle buddy in the eyes!"
It was quite a day...
Last edited by xepherys; 03-08-2005 at 09:21 PM..
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