Well i dont know a whole lot about transcendentalism, in fact this is the second time ive even heard about it and im looking into it now. from what youve mentioned here about the "over soul," i definitely beleive something along those lines. im not sure if my philosophies are at all congruent to transcendentalism, but here they are.
What i think is that everything, every process, everything that reacts or acts or lives or is has a "spirit" behind it. we humans have always talked about our spirit, the processing thing behind what we do and how we live, which, when simplified, is an infinitely complex series of binary descisions. Generally, we associate our spirit with our emotions and conciousness and all that.
Now think of a simpiler series of decisions, for example, a toy which when pressed, activates a light bulb. However great the difference in complexity, how is this different in essence from the spirit behind a human or another living creature?
This idea can be applied to anything: there is a spirit, or process of binary decisions, behind the activity of an atom, and a spirit behind the cell the atom is part of and its functions, the heart the cell is part of, the fox that holds the heart, the physics behind the rock the fox kicks, the wind that blows the fox's hair, the habitat as a whole, the earth (anyone heard of "mother earth" or "gaia?"), the solar system, and (here is the "over spirit") the universe as a whole. All spirits are made up of smaller spirits, and all spirits boil down to a multitude of binary processes.
when i learn more about transcendentalism ill know if ive enlightened anyone on the topic or if ive just spewed an unrelated idea that i should move somewhere else. anyway let me know what you think
""Like a rock thrown into the ocean,
Humanity was rising to the top." - Y'all dont wanna step to dis, Against Me!
Last edited by Hawkspy; 03-08-2005 at 06:26 PM..