Mucous secretions come from small glands in the epithelial tissue lining the respiratory tract. These glands are unicellular cells called goblet cells, because stained cross-sections look like goblets. Normally mucous combines with cillia (nose hairs) and traps foreign bodies until its moved to the back of the throat and swallowed. When we have a cold or flu, antihistanimes are released in the body which cause inflamation of our mucus lining and cause more mucus to be produced in an attempt to flush away the irritant.
A booger is just dried mucus (which has glycoprotiens) and anything that was trapped by the mucous. I can't remember why boogers turn green why you're sick (I think it's due to directly to immune response to infection, but hopfully someone can answer that).
Charlie was a chemist but Charlie is nomore, what Charlie thought was H2O was H2SO4