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Old 03-08-2005, 12:14 PM   #19 (permalink)
lindseylatch's Avatar
Location: Seattle, WA
Hmm, I have to agree with the hypothesis that it's the TV that's the problem.
As a kid, my parents read to my brother and me every night, and our favorite book was The Hobbit, when we were in grade school. I'm not even sure you could find a grade-schooler who has heard of the book (although they might make the connection from the movies).
I know a couple of parents, my aunt and uncle included, who use the tv as a baby-sitting tool. They just sit the kid in front of it and tell them to "stay," and go off on their own. I think this is encouraging kids to be apathetic about their education, and giving them a shorter attention span. i mean, most shows are a half hour, with comercials every 7 minutes or something. They CAN'T concentrate on anything for more than like 5 minutes at a time. They may even end up with social development problems, since they lack human conpanionship.
the best way to fix this, is to not do it with your own kids. Spend time with them, read to them, encourage them to be active. That's what my parents did, and my siblings and i turned out pretty well, I think.
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