Hmm, talking to him may sound intimidating. I always recommend the "I feel ______ when you _______" approach to defuse any possible tension/defensiveness (though i am not always good at it!). E.g. "I feel stressed and frustrated with you when it seems you don't make any efforts to keep our room clean, or at least your half of it."
The other issue is that you didn't care in the past, as you said that you used to come home drunk every day and not notice the mess. If I were him, I'd wonder what had gotten into you lately since you were so cool with everything in the past. You might communicate with him why you've changed your opinion of the mess and politely ask him if he could adapt to your new expectations. I don't know if he's necessarily being inconsiderate if you changed your view of the room without telling him.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran