A good bench and nice selection of dumbells can get you into great shape. DB curls, db flyes, db presses, lateral raises, the list goes on and on with what you can do with dumbells and a nice bench. If you go this route be sure to get a good bench with a full decline and incline capabilty. I second the Powerblocs too, they are awesome. If you really want to go the machine/gym system route the Weider thing might work out but take a good look at it. The construction of a lot of home gyms is a bit dodgy and if used intensly over a period of time can start to fall apart. Cables fray, pulleys warp, the bench becomes loose, etc. I'm not familiar with the Weider Max machine so I'm not knocking it, just be sure to give a good look before you buy. I used to have a Soloflex I liked very much. I bought mine on ebay for $300 (they are $1500 new) and are built of solid steel. They fit in a confined space and do every exericise you could want and more. I do a lot of free weight stuff but I'm keeping my eye out for a good used Soloflex myself to have for variety. If you can find one cheap enough ($300 to $400) they are a great deal and if you decide to get rid of it you can sell it for what you paid for it or more.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.