I can see how watching your friends prosper when you are experiencing hard times might throw the pangs of jealousy into your mind. Schadenfruede and all that, its just human nature I suppose but while I can understand it I don't think it is justified. Your husband wakes up screaming and crying because he almost killed his friend. Imagine the nightmares the friend must have. Sounds like the friend was cracked up pretty badly while your husband walked away relatively unscathed. The insurance should repair or replace the car, perhaps pay for any therapy that is needed to fix those nightmares but that onus is on you. The money your friends received is theirs and they have no moral or legal obligation to share with you. Its not like the car accident was some sort of favor you did for them. The man almost died for Christ's sake. Move on.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.