Originally Posted by nofnway
or prohibit the FREE exercise thereof.....
Democratic Rep. Buddy Blair said he offered the measure because he was tired of conservative colleagues "making every issue into a religious issue."
So he's tired of colleagues freely exercising their beliefs.....who'd vote for that?
If you want to start complaining that government workers aren't FREE to exercise religion, then I suggest you consider what would happen if a Satanist worked for the government. Would you like it if a congressional prayer to the Devil took place?
Once the government starts posting or verbalizing one religion's beliefs, they are endorsing a religion over all other religion.
The Supreme Court as you know is deciding whether or not to allow the ten commandments monuments to stay on courthouse grounds throughout the country. My station did a story on it, as I'm sure most stations in the country did. I was talking with the crew that did the story, and interestingly enough everyone they talked to that was in favor of the monuments staying because "it's freedom of speech" quickly changed their mind when asked if other religions such as satanic religions could post THEIR monuments in the same place.
What we have here is a critical mass of christians who have decided that freedom of religion means they should be free to push their religion whenever and whereever they want.
Frankly, they're being rather greedy. They can already do it in church, on TV, on the radio, in print, on the sidewalks, in people's homes, on bumper stickers, and in parks and universities. Why in hell do they feel the need to make sure the courts push their religion as well.
And to the people saying it's OK to post the ten commandments because all they do is tell people how to live, that's a pathetic argument that you're trying to influence the dumbest of the sheeple with. I don't need "Thou shalt not kill" to tell me not to murder. A sign saying "Murder is prohibited" will do the same thing for me, and it won't include phrases instructing me to honor only the one true god.
There is simply no good reason for government to be involved with religion at all, and plenty of good reasons for government to stay out of religion entirely.
The christians think it's great right now that the government is endorsing religion because it happens to be THEIR religion that the government is endorsing. If the government posted the 5 pilars of Islaam instead of the 10 commandments, most of them would be singing a very different tune.