People who will not acknowledge a problem, and attack the symptom instead of the cause, or a side effect.
-Drug abuse is almost never the problem itself, it's related to poverty, lack of real parenting, depression, kids just wanting to fit in so badly that they'll do anything, and things like that. It happens because a real alternative to living life as it is doesn't exist for people.
-Violence is not inherently caused by caused by music, movies, and TV. If a kid is brought up by parents who make sure they let him know that violence is only acceptable in fiction before they let him see and hear about it, and he isn't mentally ill, he will be able to make the right choices. A child who has had a history of depressoion nad psychosis should be taken care of and watched. If parents would take some time to think, they would realize that a psychotic teenager using a pipe-bomb as a paperwieght is a serious problem. Like Eminem (who I don't usually use as a reliable source) said, "... some kid's getting bullied/and shoots up his school/and they blame it on Marilyn [Manson]/ and the heroin/where were the parents at? ..."
The turn signal thing
Slow people in the fast lane (they can now get ticketed for it in IL)
People who park cars across multiple spaces. I have a hydraulic jack with wheels, and my brother and I are not afraid to use it to move them (without damaging their vehicle) into only one space. I propose a law that makes the punishment for this offense as follows:
"Any person who parks a passenger vehicle in such a way that it occupies more than one designated parking space, shall be punished by the following: A law-enforcement official shall determine which space the majority of the vehicle occupies. Any portion that is outside of that space will subsequently cut off and welded onto the top of the vehicle in such a way that it will not prevent adjoining spaces from being used, and that it will not prevent the vehicle from leaving the parking area. Any material that cannot be welded onto the vehicle without violating the above conditions will be impounded and assessed a storage fee not to exceed 100 dollars per day. No legal or financial action may be taken against any person involved in the enfocrcement of this law, and insurance providers are not compelled to reimburse customers from damage to vehicles resulting from the enforcement of this law.