Jealously Torn
About a year ago now I guess, my husband and his best friend were involved in a very serious accident in the nevada desert outside of Tuscon. They had flown out there to pick up my husband's dream car in Phoenix, and then embark on a boy's only roadtrip that legends are made of. 5 hours in, in the dark of night, he lost control of the car and flipped it 3 times nearly killing his best friend. My husband was not injured too severly and was able to make it back to the road to get help, and I got a 4 am phone call I hope to never get again in my life.
Well, his best friend's wife, another thing at 4 am I never want to do is wake up one of my closest friends and tell her her husband is probably dead and 25 hours away, and I hop on a flight and go out there and live in a hospital for a week, until he can fly home.
I spent a month living with them, because they have a small child and he had amnesia and severe lower body trauma that required constant care. I didn't work. My husband went back to work after 2 weeks, not being injured as severely. But, we didn't get paid for that time off.
This is where it gets ugly. They are suing the insurance companies for medical and suffering. They have to this point received 115 grand, and he was paid for all the time he missed through worker's comp. Which is great. I would never begrudge them the money. But, I am a little peeved that they got all that money, and have not even offered to share with my husband and I. I know I must sound so selfish....but, we got nothing..we lost our wages,and he still wakes up screaming and crying from nightmares because he thought he had killed his best friend. I lived with them and continued to help them after. In that time, I got my Real Estate license ,and they promised to use me as their realtor, which would help us greatly, since I would get a commision. And I have helped them look , but they have decided to buy a buy owner property. so now, they are buying a house they NEVER would have been able to afford, with the money that they got in the settlements, and again we are being fucked.
I am trying so hard, fellow tfp'ers, not to be a jealous stupid bitch....but it just tears me up...I am torn in half, because they are like family to us, and I WANT them to have the money...yet I am so jealous...I just need to hear from people who's opinions I have come to respect..that I am not crazy...and if I am..then I need to get
How you turned my world, you precious thing
You starve and near exhaust me
Everything I've done, I've done for you
I move the stars for no one