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Old 03-07-2005, 05:29 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: U of MD
Originally Posted by scott_p_1
I'll give it a 2/10. It's not that I don't like the music, the music is alright, not as good as De-Loused In The Comatorium, and definately not as good as ATDI, but a solid album, if they'd cut the crap from it.

Take 'Miranda, The Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore', I think it's a great song. But it's 13 minutes long. 4:20 is crappy intro that isn't even really music that adds nothing to the song. Then there's a 4:30 outtro that is equally as stupid.
And The Widow, it's a good song. For the 3:10 it's actually a song, before it get's into the 1:50 outtro where they just dick around with some electronic effects that sound stupid.
And Cassandra Gemini. They could easy cut the song down from 32 minutes to like 5. Is TMV trying to become like Godspeed (whom I adore) or something? Because they really can't pull it off.
agreed. some structure would've been nice. and this is coming from someone who LIKES Tool, Zeppelin, Dream Theater, Allman Bros, and other "long winded" bands.
mercury-hg is offline  

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