Originally Posted by doncalypso
What were the circumstances that lead to your five years of celibacy?
During that time did you go without masturbation? Did being celibate drive you to the brink of insanity?
The circumstances? Uh, I couldn't seem to get any. Well, that's not true. I was hit on but it was from a friend's girl, so that was a no-no. I guess you could say I never was the type to pursue women relentlessly. If it happened, great - if it didn't, life goes on.
Did I go 5 years without rubbing them out? Hells no. If I go a week without an O I am a mess.
As far as celibacy driving me mad, no it didn't, but I did develop a rather... bitter attitude regarding womankind towards the end of that timeframe. But I'm better now.