Originally Posted by Temporary_User
We were at a restaurant and having a few drinks, we were consistent on the drinking, because I was more having conversations and eating inbetween talking than drinking. She would finish her drink and I would have like 1/4 left each time. SO all I said to her was along the lines of geez, whats going on here, I feel bad Im supposed to be the one who out drinks and eats you.
I feel that was more a comment on me, and making me feel less 'manly' because Im not out drinking her @ the time.
Eating everything off of the plate isnt the problem I have w/ her, It's that I believe that diet is just as important as exercise.
I want to help.
If you truly want to help her and tell her about your opinion on food and losing weight then wait for her to ask you for help. I think you are doing ok, going on walks with her, but when it comes to food and dieting women can be very sensitive. You don't want her to get upset and develop an eating disorder or stop eating around you, so just wait for the right time.
And in my darkest moment, fetal and weeping. The moon tells me a secret. My confidant. As full and bright as I am, this light is not my own and
A million light reflections pass over me It's source is bright and endless. She resuscitates the hopeless Without her we are lifeless satellites drifting