Originally Posted by Manx
It does not "ultimately come down to" individual responsibility.
For me it does.
Originally Posted by Manx
Assuredly, the mobs that commited the attrocities should not have commited the attrocities. No one is disputing that fact.
Good, then the blame is on the mobs. I am glad we agree on something.
Originally Posted by Manx
But neither does it excuse, in any way, the West from constantly and consistently creating the situations that bring about such mob mentality.
That may be true. But your constant "blame the west" mantra often turns me off to your posts.
Originally Posted by Manx
Your example was just an arbitrary example of responsibility. If you want an example that in some fashion is more closely related to the subject:
Let's say the government picks your neighbor to tell you what to do and the government gives nice things to your neighbor and lets your neighbor decide what (or if) he should pass anything along to you. Then one day, the government decides that it doesn't want to give anything to anyone anymore, and in the process of packing its bags, puts you in charge of your neighbor who had been hoarding and treating you like shit. And then, another government comes along and puts a gun in your hand. Now mutliply yourself by hundreds of thousands.
Your example is a better characterization, but I think they have the same meaning as far as responsibilty.
Originally Posted by Manx
I don't know you from Adam - but I do know we can't expect anything close to every person in your situation in that scenario to not seek revenge. But when you say "responsibility" is the ultimate issue, that is exactly the expectation you are suggesting we have.
Expecting humans to not run around and kill each other is too much, I know. But I don't expect that. I would, however, say that NOT running around and killing each other is more responsible behavior. The way you decribe this, one would think the "west" was pulling the trigger. I stand by what I said before. Ultimately, it comes down to the individual person. I acknowledge that the boogeyman, I mean west, could have help create this situation,
BUT that does not in anyway absolve the murderers.
I think our views could be summed up as:
Manx: I BLAME THE WEST! (and capitalism!)
Me: I blame the people who did the killing.
I am glad we can agree to disagree.