Originally Posted by jorgelito
So then, how do we reform the UN?
It's beyond reform and must be disbanded. People in America (regardless of which side you're on in domestic politics) think Clinton and Bush are corrupt, but they're pikers compared to the UN.
It's outlived it's usefulness, and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, with a lick of sense would give them one IOTA of power, since they've proved over and over again to be either completely incompetent or genuinely evil.
This veto power needs to be removed or seriously curtailed.
Take the veto away, and the US WILL pull out of the UN. (prolly Russia too) We don't want third world shitheads like Castro and Mugabe telling us what we HAVE to do. You want to get us to bring out our toys and our people to play? Then act like a civilized body, and treat us with the proper respect that we've EARNED. Ask us NICELY, and stop giving us shit about everything we do, and we'll be less inclined to tell you to piss off. It's amazing how that works...
Rawanda is replaying as we write this in Darfur and the same thing is happening again... that should tell you something...
And how is that the US's fault? Other nations bitch and moan when we act militarily in our own interests. They say we're a international bully. So why should we act militarily in a crisis that we didn't have anything to do with starting? The rest of the world needs to make up it's mind. Is America evil or not? If we're evil, PLEASE tell us to fuck off and then live with the results. If we're not, then stop hassling us. The US has been called "racist" for bombing brown people in Iraq. Why should we be more "racist" by killing brown people in Rwanda or Darfur or wherever? Let them kill themselves off if that makes them happy. It's just Malthusian economic theory in practice...
No. Arms sales are a MAJOR factor in these types of events. If you discuss Rwanda, you fool yourself if you do not discuss the absurdity of arms dealing.
You're right. We should have sold arms to the people being slaughtered.
BTW, IIRC, most of the pictures I've seen of armed Rwandans during the slaughter involved people running around with AK-47s and variants thereof. Most of the actual killing was done with machetes. Does the US manufacture a large percentage of the AK-47s and variants out there? Or do we have the international concession on machetes?