I think the problem is that when people think of "natural selection" they mentally draw a little box around humanity and lable it "not natural".
Certain ants keep aphids. They protect them from predators and stimulate them to secrete semi-digested plant sap (basically sugar water). It has been compared to humans keeping and milking cattle. AFAIK, they don't keep specialized breeds of aphids, but if at some other point the aphids evolved to be, basically, domesticated and dependent on the ants... are we going to call this "artifical selection"?
There's no more validity to talking about how living in a sky scraper is unnatural for humans than there is to talking about living in a termite mound as unnatural for termites. If you live in an urban/civilized environment, you will be subject to the selective pressures of an urban/civilized environment. This is natural selection.
Simple Machines in Higher Dimensions