Originally Posted by God of Thunder
Michael Moore lies...ooohhhh, stop the presses. We all lie, get over it.
Does that apply to Bush's "lies" about WMDs too?
The original post showed a story that used "Roger and Me" as an example of how Moore lies. I think most people miss the point of the original movie. He was just trying to show how the big coporation was screwing the little guy. The reason most people in the movie were so upset over it, was they felt they were deceived. In a sense they were. Moore never thought he was making a "feature film". He thought at the most it was going to get picked up by PBS as a documentary.
That's what bothers me, all right. If he called his movie "fiction," or even "his opinion," that would be different. To call a pack of lies a "documentary" makes him look like Baghdad Bob (whom I miss deeply).
But enough of the ranting. I know now why I stay out of the political forum. But I simply caution anyone to start spewing facts about "Roger and Me" and what it did to Flint unless you live here.
That's silly. No one who lives outside of Flint can possibly know anything about it?
Aside from all of that, it's still a good area and I'll buy any of you a beer if you feel like coming through.
Thanks for the beer.
Glad to hear Flint survived MM's end-of-the-world "report."