I'm more of a lightly browned fuzzy peach.
Humans are very intelligent creatures that have a keen eye for detail. I firmly believe that if everyone on the planet had the same skin color, we could still find the visual detail to segregate ourselves into groups. All you damn blondes are ruining the country! Go back to Sweden, you freaks!
Anyway, religion is back in the Hate spotlight. It's a good strong hate because it gets rid of the pesky skin color thing. The radical Christian blows up the abortion clinic, the radical Jew blows up all the arab children, the radical Muslim kills the infidel. The Mormans often talk down to Buddahs. Don't get me started with the radical Krishnas.
People will always hate each other and the civil folks among us will always make laws to curb the violence. We can teach our children at home to be respectful of each other. Then they go to high school and get ruined. We actually listen to the media tell us reports of all the countrys that hate us and we get paranoid. So we hate them back.
Skin color is just a thinly veiled excuse to be the worse we can be to each other because that's just how we are.
Tape guns don't tape boxes. PEOPLE tape boxes.