Originally Posted by doncalypso
Given my luck with women it's more likely that the caffeine-freak hottie will go have sex with some drunk unemployed deadbeat who will treat her like shit before she even notices me. And even if she does notice me, she'll probably be like most other women and be turned off by me because she'll be able to sense the underlying hunger for sex and attention.
"Notice" you? If you wait for a woman to give you a signal, you may indeed be cursing yourself to monkhood for the next several years. Two, everybody wants sex, and if you get it on a fairly regular basis, you won't have some crazy look in your eyes. Lastly, sex and attention are two very different situations. If you're a guy who has to be in a relationship to have sex with someone, then... I have some bad news. It's going to be a tough road ahead. Or consider this an opportunity to educate yourself in the ways of casual sex.