Israel should NOT give up their nukes - that would be suicide.
Further, the lack of Arab-American spies (Korean, Chinese too) is our own fault. I think we dropped the ball here.
Also, Iran is very much a threat, much mire than Iraq was. I still think we invaded the wrong country.
I think talk has failed, miserabley. No country with "rogue" ambitions takes talks seriously. No, it's time to take them out. Either "shock and awe" surgical strike and take out their nukes or all out invasion (if we are so inept, maybe the Israelis can help us and show us how it's really done).
Fuck the allies - we didn't wait for help in Afghanistan (and they offered too), we did it without help in Iraq. We are the worlds best military, Iran should be a snap. Like Iraq was, and Afghanistan. Just going down the check list.
The Chinese are weak and the North Koreans know it. If China can't get it done, I say we show them how. Or we unleash Japan and South Korea across the DMZ. It's obvous diplomacy has failed, it is time for action.
Or, we just don't give a shit and let everyone do what they want: We can go solar and screw them all!! LOL! Arm them all and make a killing (no pun intended) and go in after and take what's left.