okay, So Basically what I am trying to do is use cubase as a controller for the 303, but what I can't seem to do is get it so that when I hit play in cubase, it triggers the 303 to play. I also need to get it so that I can have cubase control more then one sound chanel at the same time, ie: Midi 1 for the drums, midi 2 for sound 2, midi 3 for sound 3, etc.
I have a midi to joystick converter that I am using, for in and out information. I also am using an m-audio radium 61 for controlling certain other information between cubase, reason, and Rebirth.
Once I am able to do that, I need to be able to record each midi track as a audio track in cubase (if this is even possible). Once That part is acomplished I can then go in for the final mastering, which would be to do 5.1 mastering.
I know nothing of this midi clock you speak of though