i have a norelco electric razor that i used to use a lot, and every once in a while i will go through a couple months where i keep my head shaved. i tried using the electric razor on my head for a while, and here were my experiences: it didn't get as close of a shave as a regular razor, which i didn't mind so much. it's also VERY time consuming. i thought that it wouldn't take that long, but since the hair on your head is a lot more concentrated, you have to go over spots several times. i'd say it took me a good 20 minutes or so to completely shave my head with an electric razor. it only takes me 10 with a regular razor. shaving your head with an electric razor also dulls the blades a lot more quickly, so instead of having to replace them every six months or so, you're looking at replacing them every two months, and at 30-60 bucks a set, that's kind of pricey.
however, don't just take my word for it. i only used the norelco razor (i don't remember which specific model). maybe they make other electric razors out there that would better suit your needs. you could try talking to a barber to see what they would suggest. i will add one more thing though: overall, i wasn't too impressed with using an electric razor. it didn't cut nearly as close as with a regular razor, and even after using it for over six months, it still gave me bad razor burn (which was supposed to go away after a month or two). so, do a little research before you make this investment, because they are quite pricey. hope i helped you out a bit!