Originally Posted by james t kirk
Well, truth be told, the European Union is up and coming while the American Empire is in decline. The EU economy is now larger than that of the USA's.
How do you like those apples!!
You shouldn't be asking me how I like them apples, you should be asking the Germans, with their 12.4% unemployment rate and less than 1% growth (down from a robust 1.8% in the first two quaters of '04). You should ask the French with their 9.4% unemployment rate, though their growth rate is at is booming at 2.3%, the largest ROG in years.
Canada should join the EU in fact. Wouldn't that be a kick!!
What, is your 7% unemployment rate not up to European standards? Perhaps if y'all did join, Canada can take some pointers from France on how to bump up a ROG from 1.7%.