I watched it on DVD last nite...so I didnt have the "theatre" experience but I thought it was moving story.
I will admit to being one of those people that is not impressed by a "hollywood" movie....I want a movie to make me feel something and this one did. I dont need blood and guts and things blowing up to understand a movie can be good.
I knew the "true events" it was based on before I watched it, because, well any educated person would do research before going to see a movie thats supposed to have a "true" element so that they know about what they are going to see. Just like with the Perfect Storm...I knew the story and knew that most of the movie was going to have to be "fiction" because no one really knows what happened.
The end of the movie left me with the knowledge of the sheer desperation, terror, anger and monotiny that anyone in this situation would go thru. I cannot imagine what would be going thru my head floating along in the VAST expanse of the ocean, with nothing to see, water all around and not being able to drink it and not knowing was was underneath me.
I think the people, like me, that enjoyed this movie saw it for the "intellectual, emotional" movie that it was. The people that didnt.....well thats the people "hollywood" movies are for. The people that didnt like it need to remember its not a hollywood movie, it was an indie film that was picked up from Sundance.....all Lions Gate did was pick it up and market it.......just like blair witch
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!