Originally Posted by Gilda
Exactly. They are, in addition to being nationalities, ethnicities, or sub-cultures.
I never said anything about caucasians. Caucasians are one specific sub group of whites. My post referred specifically to "white people". Whites vary so greatly in skin tone, facial features, hair, height, eye color, and other physical features that to designate us as all being the same based on some superficial characteristic that varies so greatly is specious at best.
I see what you mean, but in the US if you are white, you are Caucasian. I guess Caucasian has come to be a blanket term for all people with white skin tone.
Exactly. There's only one race of homo sapiens, and that's human. African Americans are an ethnicity or a group of related ethnicities. Because they are a minority with a common history and have consistently in our history been the subject of systematic discrimination, it makes sense for them to work to gain equality with the white majority, and celebrating the contributions of others of their ethnic group as a way of promoting the idea that they were responsible for contributing to our nation's history and development makes perfect sense to me.
Hmmm, indeed. Interesting viewpoint, and I understand completely, but if we all only viewed each other as humans, there would be no need for anyone, minority or not, to celebrate their skin tone.
European, I'd disagree. Europeans form a wide variety of ethnicities. Russian, certainly, and I see absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating your Russian heritage. The different cultures that formed this country are all part of what makes it a wonderful place.
Yeah, being European is not really a heritage, but being English or French or what have you, is what I meant.