Thread: TFP Pets!
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Old 03-05-2005, 05:21 AM   #426 (permalink)
It's All About The Ass!!
K-Wise's Avatar
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
Originally Posted by irseg
On a sadder note, my 14 year old beagle died today.

The amazing part was how quickly her health declined. 4 days ago everything was apparently A-OK. 3 days ago she seemed more lethargic than normal, lost her appetite, and coughed quite a bit. 2 days ago she was back to acting pretty much like her normal talkative self (if you've been around beagles you'll know how much they like to vocalize) and started eating a little bit again, so I figured she had recovered from whatever it was. Then yesterday things took a major turn for the worse. I noticed she was breathing very rapidly and looked to be uncomfortable. Late last night she slinked off into the closet of a bedroom I never use. Definitely not a good sign, since dogs generally go into seclusion when they're ready to die. I coaxed her out, and spent some time just enjoying her company.

I came home from work today to check up on her and make an appointment with a veternarian if she wasn't doing any better. I found her in a pile of my dirty clothes (one of her favorite places to sleep). My first thought was "cool, she seems to be doing better, she's not breathing really fast now.", soon followed by "uh oh...she's not breathing AT ALL."

I played with her big floppy ears one last time before wrapping her up in a blanket and putting her in a box, pending burial in my back yard tomorrow. Sure was weird picking up what I had known for the last 14 years as a warm, crazy, animated dog--since this time she was a cold stiff corpse.

It's amazing how some dumb animal can become such a significant part of your life. And given a dog's average life span it's pretty much guaranteed you'll have to deal with its departure. Doesn't make it any more pleasant, though.

I think I'm going to spend a month or so remembering that goofy beagle, and enjoying not having to buy pet food, taking her outside to pee every few hours, and worrying about scaring the bejeezus out of her when I crank up my stereo. Then I'm sure I'll be scouting out another pet, because they're just too fun to not have.
I've been there. We lost a female cocker like that once. I almost lost my puppy a while back to Parvo...he kept trying to hide out to die. I wouldn't let him though. I kept dragging him out and keeping him awake and those nights he slept in my room. He puked in various corners of it and I'd wake up everytime I'd heard it and kept a very watchful eye on him so I wouldn't lose him. Also waking him up just to be sure, and holding him in my lap and just kinda petting and loving him..and givin him little kisses on top of his head. Thankfully we were able to get him to the vet on time and it cost us like 200 dollars. Some of the best 200 we've ever spent though. Now even though I know dogs don't have a very good memory I'd swear he remembers how I cared for him..Cause ever since then he just loves me to death. I feel for you . Good luck finding a new dog. Hope it's just as great as your previous one.

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! - Asta!!
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