well, firstly the guy isnt going to be ass raped, I wouldnt have thought. And its is confusing how you go from in your first point using rape as example of abhorent behaviour that should not be tolerated (which I would agree with), to at the end of the post seeming to express the hope that a person is the victim of rape, because this is a fitting punishment for comitting assault. Morally, I dont really see where this is coming from.
From my own point of view, and I am being honest, my instinct would be to stay out of it unless I was being threatened or someone connected to me was... there might be a point I would step in... but in this situation... the guy is clearly going nuts, so reasoning with him isnt going to work... if you were to intervene, logically it would not be sensible to do so with anything other than maximum violence with no warning whatsoever. If you try to clam the guy down he'd hit you too, and he's biger than you... so really if you wanted to step in, the only sensible thing would be to take something hard and blunt, and blind side the attacker and hit him as hard as possible... but at the point do you become as bad as the attacker? If you meet violence with violence... well, sometimes you might have to, but the violence can be just as ugly and brutal from either side.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas