Un-hijacking the thread
OK, to try and bring this post back on track, here we go.
The LL was designated as women only not so the ladies could "hide" but so they could have their own place. A place where the fairer sex could go to chat and have "girl talk" without us guys buttin in all the time.
Back on the 3.0 I read posts in the LL and even replied to a few of them. Then the LL went ladies only. I still read the threads but don't post cause that's the rules. If I see something I want to comment on, I use the PM.
One other thing to remember is all the whinning and bitching about it won't change the fact it's lady's only. This is the Unites States of Hal. His game, his rules. If you think a thread would do better with lots of male coments, start a new thread about it in General.