Originally Posted by bad jane
i was actually told that if i were black or male, i'd have had no trouble getting a full ride. what do you say to that? umm, well, thanks but it's a bit late for a sex change and not much i can do about my skin color...
I'm a black male and I sure as hell didn't get a full ride. Somebody is tossing out some bullshit to you. Listen folks let me tell you something about programs to help black students. Those kids in those programs fight just as hard as you do to get funding to go to college. True enough a few here and there get some nice fat scholarships but if you are a middle class black person like myself you will have just as much trouble paying for your schooling as a white,Asian, whatever...
Everybody in my family that went to college have hefty student loans to show for it. At best we got some books and stuff paid for and that's about it.
EDIT:To stay on topic....
I have no problems with white pride so long as you aren't taking out extra shares in companies that sell bleach. Most of the "white" people I know and am friends with have no problems speaking their mind on race,they have no problem celebrating their heritage. Most of them however celebrate their heritage from where their family hails from traditionally. The Italians I know are very big on this actually. Maybe it's just the WASPs that need some extra loving.