Well, it depends on where those scholarships are coming from. Private donors can enact any kind of criteria they want to. I don't apply for United Negro College Fund (although who knows, maybe...) or say Americans With Disabilities or Descendants of Holocaust Survivors etc..
I think it really depends on who is sponsoring the scholarships and stuff.
Many schools like to dispense scholarships to certain minority groups because they want to have more diversity on their campuses to attract more students etc... So issuing incentives is a good way to attract minorites to their school. You know, in some countries, they give scholarships to minorities too, *gasp* white folk so that they can have a diverse student body. I think a university in Taiwan and China too did this. Ha, ha, maybe there are a bunch of Chinese sourpusses going, "G*D*mn white kids, taking our scholarships!" or "Man, when I complain about those white foreigners on full rides at Ching Chong University, I get accused of being a racist!"
Kinda funny actually, maybe we're not so different after all...
It's their choice, no big deal.