When I had my skiing accident in January, I didn't mention it here on the internet because I didn't want to be a whiner. Over the last month and a half of having to be chauffeured everywhere, imposing on my friends, not being able to take care of my own needs, no sex and gimping around with sores under my arms from the crutches, I haven't said anything here because I figured everybody else didn't need to hear about it. I haven't wanted to talk about the unbelievable burning daggers piercing my knee that wake me up in the middle of the night when I mistakenly try to roll over in my sleep, or the myriad other pains and suffering I've been going through.
I've swallowed my tongue and kept my mouth shut over countless frustrations over the last several weeks, and my mantra has been, "Just smile and say thank you, just smile and say thank you." HAPPY FACE HAPPY FACE HAPPY FACE
But...today I had my first physical therapy appointment, and I just want to say IT FUCKING HURTS GODDAMN IT!!!! #@!!*&#!!! And the fucked thing is I have to keep doing this if I want my leg back! OWWEOWWWWAAAARGH!!
I know it could be a whole lot worse. Thanks for letting me vent.