Originally Posted by DDDDave
People have been hitting other people with their hands since about, oh...freakin' Cain and Abel.
He made some kind of smartass remark.. He figured nothing would happen. " Sorry honey, I think the pizza will be a little delayed" could as easily have been "Some fuckin' black bitch just fuckin' cut the line , simple bitch". He sure wouldn't have said that if the big guy had been with her when she walked in.
1. People have committed rape since the beginning of time- so I guess that's ok too, since people have been doing it for so long. Why are we thinking about these "victims"? It's a crazy world, shit happens. /sarcasm
2. The actual, innocuos comment can in no even semi-reasonable way be related or compared to the bullshit you've concocted ("Some fuckin' black bitch just fuckin' cut the line , simple bitch") to be "as easily have been". They are TOTAL opposite ends of the spectrum.
3. As for your Disney story, I'd have said something after the first touch. "Hi. I understand you touched my girlfriend. Do it again, and you lose the hand." I don't care HOW big the guy is (and i'm not huge myself, there are plenty of guys who are larger than I me). People that horrible need to be taught a lesson by society every once in a while, or they're just going to keep doing it. If he wants to fight, I'll be happy to defer a victory to him and let there be peace. I'll vacate and let him have his precious line. If he tries anything, then it's on.
Sidenote: Why would anyone in the victim's shoes not be looking out for a sucker-punch with all the yelling and stuff going on? I'm just saying.
Same goes for big boy in the story. Now he can get ass-raped in jail for another 4 years because he's a fuckin' moron. Everyone pays their dues at one time or another.