The family says that's not good enough and that both garages need to take responsibility before a garage jumper loses his life.
I read this story and the last line, among other amusing and disturbing anecdotes, has become an all too typical response to what the normal majority of people would consider ludicrous behavior. This is akin to the parents of morbidly obese children blaming the fast feeders like McDonald’s for their child’s condition. It beguiles me that people who have produced off spring blame fast feeders for their overweight children when those very parents are responsible for FEEDING them crap in the first place. But that’s a borderline thread jack so before I digress too far let’s get back to the parents of the dumb asses that think jumping from one garage to another is a fun-tastic idea.
No, parents of the dumb ass kid who is a garage jumper, you are purely wrong and you need to be told this. The garages here take full responsibility for providing you and your dumb ass spawn a place to park your car. Their responsibility ends there.
If you are dumb ass enough to “garage jump” then you are certainly dumb ass enough to enjoy the consequences without whining about it and blaming someone else for your dumb assed behavior.
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And to other would be garage jumpers out there. Go ahead. Make my day. Just don't whine about it after you, being the "greater risk taker" than I, screw yourself up or worse, perhaps even die, in the process.