Originally Posted by KMA-628
Has this opinion changed after seeing the Damascus episode?
I thought a lot of things were tied together quite well; a lot of questions answered as well as new plot components presented.
I assumed that the slower shows of the first part of the season were eventually going to pay off with one big episode. I just didn't realize how big the Damascus episode was going to be.
I also realize now that time had to pass 'within' the series. Justin had to build his following, the Sophie saga had to play out and the ties that bind Ben/Management/Samson had to be found. So, a substantial amount of time had to pass in the telling of the story. Dragging them from one city to the next in search of the next 'mystery person' wasn't
the story, but just a way for the writers to accomodate
the story.
I have to say, I've been quite pleased with the last few episodes.