Thread: white pride
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Old 03-04-2005, 03:00 PM   #1 (permalink)
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white pride

White pride

Read those two words with no context. What do you think? I bet you think “hate” or at least “racism.” I do, and I’m a white guy. White is equated with hate. The color of my skin is the color of oppression and ignorance. If I were ever to suggest “caucasianism” be celebrated, I would be labeled a bigot. But if I wanted to honor or celebrate any other conceivable nationality, ethnicity or skin color I would be alright.

To me this is racism.

Yet to even suggest existence of racism against the whites, I risk being called ignorant and racist.

If I set up a scholarship fund for Latino students, I would be celebrated. If I set up a scholarship fund for white students, I would be condemned.

Why is this? Because we have the KKK, World Church of the Creator, and other lunies among us? Hate-filled racist groups exist in all cultures. We don’t equate black pride with the murderous Hutus of central Africa. We don’t equate Asian pride with the Khmer Rouge.

Unless we address this issue, groups like the KKK, the Nazis and others will continue to move from the fringe to the mainstream. Because, despite everything they get totally wrong, they are right about one thing – white people are supposed to feel ashamed of their skin. And those guys are the only ones who aren’t afraid to point it out.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.

Last edited by clavus; 03-04-2005 at 03:02 PM.. Reason: oh YOU try to spell "Khmer Rouge" right without looking it up!
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