Originally Posted by NCB
The people who earn the higher incomes deserve what they earn. And yes, they work far harder and have sacrificed more that the poor. Why punish achievemnt and reward laziness?
If you "punish" the unproductive, they starve.
If you "punish" the rich, they don't.
People who make lots of money are benefitting hugely from a stable society and strong economy.
People who make little money are benefitting less from a stable society and strong economy.
Who should pay the upkeep and rent on a stable society and strong economy, those who benefit alot, or those who benefit a little?
Anyone who wants to pimp some flat tax needs to realize that there is no f-in way that we'd be able to tax everyone at the same rate without substantially raising taxes on the poor (people who are making 1/1,000th of what the plow horse exec bringing in $10M).
I'd be in favour of a flat tax + national dividend.
You get X,000$ a year (monthly payments) as the national dividend. Any income is taxed at a flat rate of Y%.
No welfare, no changes in marginal tax rates, no starvation. The marginal incentive to produce for people on welfare stops being punative, encouragine people to crawl out of welfare.
Possibly you'd have to be a citizen for 18 years in order to get access to the national dividend (the age of majority for born citizens).
It's a progressive flat tax.