Originally Posted by NCB
This whole thing is a moot point. If Heaven forbid a ICBM should be launched at Canada or somehow gets thrown off course and heads to Canada, the USA would do what it can to protect Canada. That's just who we are. We are a compassionate people who won't let our neighbors to the North suffer because the ruling party would rather spend the money on their healthcare debacle or any other govt program.
I don't get the debacle part. nore the any other govt programme part. I understand the whole friendship thing, because it's obvious that our two countries are the closest and best of friends.
There's none of that sycophantic toadying that the Brits (sorry brits, I mean Blair) have developed to an art. Nore is there the boorish disdain that other Euros (Merci und danke shoen) have adopted. Our is a relationship that is close, honest, and durable.
Of course, when the shoe is on the other foot, we have proven ourselves friends in need in the past. At considerable risk too (as Ken Taylor and his staff can readily attest).
We've knocked heads in the past, but like PET alluded, you are the elephant to our sleeping mouse. so it is to be expected.