Originally Posted by NCB
And yes, they work far harder and have sacrificed more that the poor. Why punish achievemnt and reward laziness?
That right there is the problem in your logic. You assume that people are rich because they work hard and poor because they are lazy. That's total bullshit and if you really think it then take a day off and observe the jobs performed by the people that keep the country running.
Poor people know more about sacrifice that the upper class. They sacrifice their dignity to work embarrasing jobs so that they can put crappy food on the table for the family. They sacrifice time with their families to get a second low paying job so that they can afford to pay for the health insurance (if they are even privilidged enough to have been bestowed a descent HC plan by their cheap ass employer).
Hard work and sacrifice gets you shit until you bring in luck, connections, and opportunity. Most people in the upper class would not be there if they came from the backgrounds that the average poor person came from.